Chinese Numerology

An Introduction into Chinese Numerology:

Chinese numerology has been used for millenia as a prophetic tool to predict one’s good or bad luck for the future. The Chinese numerology grid consists of nine squares, similar to a tic-tac-toe grid with a border. This model, called a Lo Shu grid, originated whenever the legendary emperor Wu of Hsai found a tortoise with a shell that had nine perfect squares on it. Since then, this has been the grid model for Chinese numerology.

Numbers used in Chinese numerology are 1-9. Zero is never used in the grids. Each number has its own qualities, either good or bad, based on how the number is pronounced in Cantonese. For example, look at what numerology 9 means.  If the word sounds similar to a word with a negative meaning, such as “death” or “no,” then that number has a negative effect in numerology. If the number sounds like a word with a positive meaning, then it is a good sign. Some “good” numbers include 6, 8, and 9, whereas “bad” numbers include 1, 4 and 7. People often try to rig their numbers to be auspicious for them. For instance, license plates for vehicles can often sell for high prices if they contain auspicious numbers. The opposite is true for negative numbers. People avoid ill-fated combinations, and many people take this very seriously. Families even try to plan the birth of their children so that they are born during a prosperous year.

The numbers in a Lo Shu grid are also related to the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Metal, and Wood. Different numbers stand for different elements. The number/element associations are as follows:
Water: 1
Earth: 2, 5, 8
Metal: 6, 7
Wood: 3, 4

Chinese numerology can be used in many ways. It can calculate one’s personality traits or likelihood to succeed. It can help people predict when they should invest, make changes, or marry. For those who follow Chinese numerology, the numbers in one’s life often have a huge impact on how decisions are made. The numbers can also tell you what kind of person you are, where your talents lie, and what your weaknesses are, for example, numerology 8 or numerology 2. In many ways, Chinese numerology is similar to the reading of palms or fortune telling, using Kua numbers, the numbers of your date of birth or other numbers as indicators of successes and failures. Many people also often decorate their homes according to Feng Shui, or house numbers, to make the arrangement of their home auspicious as well.