Pythagorean Philosophy And Numerology

Of all the creatures of the Earth, humanity is the only species aware of its own mortality. That awareness, coupled with an understanding of the difficulty of life’s journey, leads many people to search for ways to discover what lies ahead to avoid risks and dangers, and take advantage of opportunities. Some people have adopted Pythagorean Numerology, not only as a means to be constantly prepared for what lies ahead, but also as a way to find out more about people in their lives, and for spiritual enlightenment.

The name Pythagorean Numerology was first applied to a branch of numerology at the beginning of the 20th century. It was named for Pythagoras (ca. 570 BCE–ca. 491 BCE), an ancient Greek philosopher, religious leader, and mathematician. In the present time, he is primarily known as a mathematician because of his work as a founding father of mathematics and discoverer of the Pythagorean Theory. His numbers theory is the foundation of all natural laws.

One of Pythagoras’s contributions to philosophy is the idea that numbers have a dual nature. In their role in mathematics, they are numerals and the foundation of all reality; in philosophy numbers are spiritual symbols and can help to purify the soul. Pythagoras believed that the human soul is reborn numerous times, over what may be thousands of years, until it reaches its final destiny and joins with God. To Pythagoras, everything is subjective and there is no knowledge or reality unless the soul recognizes it. There is no objective proof of anything. All knowledge is of internal origin.

Pythagorean philosophy is particularly suitable for numerology because, in this worldview, the entire universe can be reduced to numbers. Pythagoras believed the universe goes through various cycles that are predictable thus making it possible to foresee what may happen and prepare for coming events. In addition, numbers and alphabetic letters are related and every letter represents a particular number making it possible to understand both events and humanity more easily.

Numbers can be applied to humans through the use of their birthdate and birth name. Every letter has an associated number and every number has particular intellectual and spiritual aspects. By determining the person’s “number,” it is possible to understand the person’s characteristics. For example, a number 3 person is an excellent writer, articulate, and creative. A 3 is also known to be friendly, attractive to people, and like parties and socializing. The 3 is also not punctual and is too sensitive to criticism. The ability to understand others and yourself deeply is the purpose of numerology and gives people additional tools to cope with life.