Numerology 2 – Characteristics of Numerology Number 2

Below you find a list of the main characteristics of the numerology number 2. There are thousands of different human characteristics and each of them is represented by one of the numbers between 1 and 9.

The following list presents only a subset of all possible human characteristics, but it’s nevertheless a good starting point and it should enable you to match specific personality traits with their corresponding numbers.

Number 2 is the most sensitive of all numbers.

You most likely have some of the following strengths and talents at your disposal if the numerology number 2 appears in your numerology chart:

You are gentle, subtle, cooperative, tactful, diplomatic, patient, sincere, harmonious, artistic, emphatic, intuitive, supportive, loving, humble and peaceful. You are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others.

You sense what other want and how they feel, you are a great team-worker and an organizational talent. You have an eye for beauty and you are often the power behind the throne.

Here are some of the career choices that might suit you particularly well if the numerology 2 is predominant in your chart:

Healer, counselor, teacher, musician, designer, architect, diplomat, advisor

Some of the following weaknesses, which are associated with the number 2, could slow down or even prevent your progress. But don’t worry, it’s very unlikely that all of the listed characteristics are part of your personality.

Most probably, only one or a few of them will belong to you:

Timidity, fear, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, depressed. You are vulnerable and easily hurt and you try to escape from all kinds of confrontation and criticism.

More information related to Numerology 2 Number Meanings:

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