The persons born on 25th February are Pisces by sunshine. The lord of its ascendance is Jupiter (negative) due to which you will face the negative impact of the planet Saturn very less.

You will always seem ready to lay down anything for the sake of your duties despite undergoing several problems in your life.

If interest will sparkle for any art or skill then you would completely dedicate yourself to it. It is your aspiration that will fuel to you dedication but not any financial profit.

Sometimes, you may notice that your interest may keep on increasing in an unusual incident or subject, for instance telepathy, tantra-mantra, spirituality, geographical science and astrology. You would say directly whatever goes in your mind. For this reason, your best buddies will be strange.

You would have soft corner for those who will be physically challenged. You would offer your helping hands to the loved ones you have in your life and will sacrifice for them as well. This hospitable nature of yours is reflected via your association with the charitable and welfare organizations.

You will face the impact of Jupiter which is exercised due to introduction of Pisces ascendance. Such people would achieve a lot in their life. Whatever you get to do, you complete it with honesty and loyalty without deriving profit.

Your religion based ideas would be strange and will not have any trust in the already prevalent religions. But you would not be a disbeliever of god by heart. You would have firm faith in the facts mentioned in every religion. Alongside, you would become irritated with the superstitious beliefs.

Economic condition: You will not be trapped in the glittery materialistic world that has so many worries for earning benefits. Luck will not click in money matters. Hence, you will suffer hefty loss since you will be trapped in betting or gambling. Your kind and generous nature would never let you retain funds for long. You have to be satisfied with whatever you earn. You try to maintain distance from gambling or betting.

Health: You would confront peculiar experiences regarding your health. First half of your entire life will be full of problems. Doctors will try hard to diagnose the disease accurately for which you have to undergo several experiments but your disease would be a puzzle for them. You would become doctor of your own and prescribe medicines as ‘panacea’ for you and hence, you will waste money. You would always fall ill due to stomach disorder. Your diet will also be something different. The company of a person would cast impact on your health, for instance, you would be bed-ridden due to presence of someone whom you would dislike the most.

You ought to restrict the intake of useless medicines. Fresh air, adequate sleep and simple food will be beneficial for your health.

The most important numbers for you are 7 and 1, or any number of their series. You ought to complete your important works on the following dates: 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29.

You ought to postpone the important work to be done on 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26 and 31.

The beneficial colours for you are laid ahead: cream, all shades of green and red colour.

The significant years in your life would be mentioned ahead: 7, 11, 16, 20, 25, 29, 34, 38, 43, 47, 52, 56, 61 and 70.

You will be inclined towards the persons born on 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29 or 1, 4, 13, 19, 22, 28 and 31.