The persons born on 30 March are Pisces by sunshine. This zodiac is the house of Jupiter (negative) and the third house of Vayu Traividya. Jupiter will affect you a lot.
You will experience the positive and auspicious impact of Jupiter in your life directly.
You are witness the dual impression of Jupiter, which empowers you tremendous strength. It will give you tremendous energy and intellectual power. You will be an aspirant also. You will not meet rest or relief until you accomplish your mission.
You will conquer over the heart of others. Whatever your occupation is, success will surely be yours. You will be lucky in context of your friends and partners only if you will be the head of the institution or enterprise.
You will be the man of ideals and practical also. And kindness as well as goodness will be in your blood.
Your interest will lie in large-scale industries or institutions, such as schools, colleges, hospitals etc. If you will be rich by luck then you will leave big amount for charity after your death.
You will offer your helping hands to all irrespective of any caste or creed. You will be hopeful to win respect, prestige and honour in the society where you live.
The most advantageous biz for you will be industry, mining, land reforms, transportation and shipping also.
Economic condition: You will bury your desire to gain profit for the sake of name and respect. Whatever work you will do, you will be diligent and industrious which will credit success to your account for sure.
Health: Your outlook towards life will affect your health. You will stay healthy till you are active. If your will take refuge in comfort and neglect or avoid work then, you will put on weight also. This way, you will loose bridle of your life and drag yourself towards death.
You will not lead happy married life. The reason for it would be your dominant nature and rejection to understand others’ point of view.
The most significant numbers for you are 3 and its multiples. You ought to do your works on dated 3, 12, 21 and 30 of any month.
The most important colours for you will be: violet, chicory and pink.
The most auspicious gemstones for you will be all violet colour gems. Ruby, Garnet and red colour gemstones will also exercise auspicious effect on you.
The most vital years for you will be: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66 and 75.
You will be inclined towards the person born on 3, 12, 21 and 30 especially. But the persons born on 6, 9, 15, 24 or 27 may also bewitch you.