“Sooner or later for the spiteful man, the offender will have to pay” This popular maxim relates well the readiness of a wounded person to seek revenge. This bitter feeling can really poison existence because it revives a long-hidden narcissistic wound. And for good reason, when the ego is struck, the person who grudges can long rehash this disappointment, carefully planning his backlash. According to astrology, there are four signs that can be resentful indefinitely. Will you recognize this description?
Grudge can be a real poison for an injured person. This state of mind may engulf the latter in a deleterious vicious circle, in which all compromises are permitted to render the change of coin to an impertinent offender. According to the celestial configurations, four signs are likely to feed a terrible rancor towards their enemies.

Taurus (April 21-May 20)
The reputation of stubborn natives of this sign is certainly not stolen. Taurus are rather cautious in friendship. Suspicious, they are constantly on their guard before granting their absolute confidence. If their friend does not live up to their expectations, they blindly limit themselves to planning a terrible revenge. They will be unscrupulous to satiate their hatred and nothing and no one will be able to divert them from this project. The Bulls will be animated by a rancor out of the ordinary. They will not be curbed in their outbursts of hatred nor by excuses or supplications. It is only by being convinced of having made their enemy suffer that he will finally find favor in their eyes.
Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)
Once betrayed, the natives of this sign will take refuge in a disconcerting silence. The shock phase passed, they will be divided between a deep sadness and an ineffable anger. Their exacerbated sensitivity will often lead to a vain and theatrical confrontation. Their sense of friendship will be irremediably affected. For them, loyalty and integrity are the most important values of existence. If the latter are broken, friendship inevitably runs to its loss. They will not be able to envisage a potential reconciliation.
Scorpio (23 October-22 November)
If the Scorpions are passionate in love, they are just as demonstrative when it comes to betrayal. These inveterate avengers will review all possible subterfuges to dispel this agreed upon. Then they will simulate the utmost indifference to the fate of their enemy. Dedain, offensive piques, sarcasm, all the weapons the Scorpions have in their arsenal of vengeance. Their strategist and deceitful side will give them a prolific imagination to tackle their enemies. They are always one step ahead because they leave nothing to chance.
Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
There is no more pernicious than a revenge of one of the natives of this sign. Once betrayed, they will pretend to have forgiven their enemy. They will wait until the latter is vulnerable and confident. At that moment, they will take advantage of any opportunity to hurt their opponent. Poisoned by a feeling of stubborn hatred, they will degrade to the worst compromises to relieve their frustration. They will not feel an ounce of guilt over their deceit. This betrayal can haunt them and jeopardize their future friendships. They will persist in a constant sense of persecution that will drive them to never let their guard down.